Tag Archives: truth

A Creation Story

There are many different stories of creation; there’s the Biblical, the mythical, the scientific. What I enjoy reading about in these stories are the common threads they occasionally have.

These consistent themes hide in their various stories as pieces of truth that are only recognized when they resonate with our own truth to the point that they vibrate off the page, screen, or tongue and into our heart… and we just know. Of the many diverse cultures and creation myths are many stories of “fallen angels”, “Gxd Like” beings, and even giants.

In the creation story I share with you below, I invite you to tune into your inner-knowing and see if any parts of the story resonate as true for you, and if so… which part?

The Very Beginning

Know your true self, and you will know the true story. Know your whole self, and you will know the wholeness of the truth.  All is One.  There is no other.  Thus it always was, and thus it always shall remain.

We once experienced only Oneness. One being, with no divisions or separate parts. There was no “time”, no “space”, nothing other than the Us.

When you are only One, there is only you, nothing “else” to interact with. In order to experience interaction – to experience being with someone “else”, to experience “play”, the One divided within itself, duplicating the One, thus creating manyOnes, many Be-ings, within the One. [Part of this was what modern sciencecalls “the big bang”].  Still One being – now in many parts were we – capable of“pretending” to be other than One, while still being One in harmonious consciousness.

By Vibration was it done – division, multiplication, and expansion of the One. Set into motion, were vibrations throughout the Universe. On it went, dividing, multiplying, creating new aspects of vibration through the overtones of harmony and ripples of the interacting vibratory reflections. Created this many new things, and also initiated the “time” and “space”.

Each of us were the entity of the One, the entirety of the One – the dark, the light, the stars, the planets – all of us macrocosms of the One. In “clusters”, “groups”, WE WERE in all directions.  WE BEING the entire UNIVERSE, we then roamed OURSELVES, as consciousnesses, as beings, that cannot be described or understood by the present Earth consciousness. Yet describe I will try, as best I can.

Our existence was (as close as you can comprehend in your present consciousness) as beings of spirit – energy – light, star groups, “solar” systems, the groups that be the foundation of vibratory frequency in creating the physical plane, of matter, the appearances there, and that which forms the bodies of that plane. Unattached, ever flowing with the flows of the Universal One were we, enjoying all the wonders of our new creation. Our consciousness, both semi-separate from, yet still One with, the entire creation of the Universe, allowed us the experiencing of new and different things. But within this new creation were the “material planes”. These were the realms in which existed the most “dense”, or “slowest” spectrum of vibrations.

There were many “material planes” throughout the Universe, the Earth being just one. The story I am about to tell is only of those who manifested in the realm of the Earth. But others of us manifested in the material planes of other solar systems. Some are now of the higher consciousness, kindred beings are they from other worlds. But some from other worlds are of the selfish and “evil”.

When we came upon the world of the Earth, we had no comparison, no experience of the like, no expectation of what would be. The first group of us to discover this “material plane” were in awe of the new sensations it offered. This first group, or first wave of souls to materialize, was the first to enter the vibrational spectrum of ‘matter’, in the time-space of the Earth. They experienced such pleasure from “playing” in it, that they projected themselves deeply into matter, in thoughtforms [Ed. note: Using thought to create a body] that were the MOST STIMULATING, the MOST SENSATION-AL – those of the animal realm creations. In creating these bodies, assorted aspects of different animals were often combined to achieve what they thought would be very desirable blends – Bird head/human bodies, Horse body/human head, Goat head/human body, Fish tail/human torso – and many, many more variations.  [Author’s note – these would much later become known in Greek and Roman mythology by many names – Centaurs, Minotaurs, Mermaids, etc.]  Unfortunately, these ones, our close kindred, had no way of knowing that as soon as they “hardened” their thought-forms into matter, becoming these creatures, that they would lose all awareness, all consciousness, of most things beyond their newbodies and their immediate environment. They became trapped in these forms.

The seven ports (chakras) were closed, cutting off their contact of the full vibrational spectrum, and thus all their perceptions and interactions were thus based only on the limited vibrations they could detect through only five vibrational sensors. These five “senses” could only monitor very limited frequency bands of the full Universal vibrational spectrum – and even in that, they focused on only those vibrations relevant to the material plane of existence, leaving these “humanimals” without any senses of the spiritual planes of existence.  Cut off from the consciousness of the One, and thus the very Universe itself, the humanimals experienced animal consciousness, but the beings inhabiting these forms were not animals, and originally of angelic consciousness.  The combination of the consciousness that was meant to be of a higher form, blended with the animal consciousness, was a very inharmonious and disruptive mix.  They lost the purity of animal consciousness, and the purity of spiritual consciousness. So this was a new kind of consciousness that was foreign to the animal realm. This new consciousness was “separate consciousness”, and was of a fixed focus nature, and reverse-polarity in comparison to the consciousness of the One.  Intelligence was also severely curtailed in the humanimals, being similar to the intelligence of the types of animals that they were “modeled” upon, but again, this was adversely afflicted by the negative effects of separate consciousness.

Thus were the humanimals “stuck” in this limited plane – in limited forms, with limited intelligence, in a new limited consciousness. They didn’t “fit in” anywhere – they didn’t belong in the spiritual realms any longer, nor did they belong in Earth’s nature. Thus their introduction into the Earth plane was also disruptive and polluting to the flow of nature.

Those of us who did not project ourselves into matter, were quite aware of the predicament and fates that had befallen our kin. From the vantage point of our natural, etheric state of existence, we were still of One mind, One being. Seeing part of us in such matter-bound prisons as the humanimals had become trapped in, was very painful – after all, the creatures were us, were our “sisterbrothers”, and their misfortune was our misfortune.

In the terminology of some, they might also be called the first “fallen angels”, but they fell not of ill intent, but by virtue of ignorance of the purest kind. We decided to save them – no matter what the cost. We knew we could only do this if we could function on the same vibratory plane as they, so we too projected ourselves into thought-forms that could function within the realms of the Earth-Mother.

Led by the great being who became known as the Atlantean Amiliaus, then known later as Thoth, and eventually well known as Jesus much later, the second wave of our entering into the planes of the Earth-Mother began. Careful to stay as beings free from the lower-vibratory planes, or “hardening” into the matter, we projected ourselves into the material plane with thought-form bodies that were semi-etheric – matter, but not matter. Thus were we still able to function on all vibrational frequencies of the Universal spectrum – free to enter or leave the limited spectrum of the material plane at will. But most importantly, we were very intent upon maintaining our consciousness of Oneness, so that we would not fall to the same fate as the humanimals. 

The manifestation was achieved more or less successfully, and as we became subject to the vibratory conditions which affect this realm, we saw the numerological representations of the physical plane, 2 and 5, appear in many aspects of our manifestation. For example, the beginnings of the 5 races occurred, and later, the 2 sexes, each being having 5 appendages (2 legs, 2 arms, 1 head), with 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs, 2 of many organs, etc., and 5 fingers/toes on the arms and legs.

Despite our precautions and great efforts, some of us still fared not as well as others, losing more consciousness and hardening more than others. Those who manifested in Atlantis with Amiliaus fared the best – but for many, this was to be short-lived.  Until this time, we were “composite” beings, macrocosms of the One. Our bodies were not as they are now. Our male and female elements had not yet separated – as composite beings we each had one body that contained both “sexes”, rather than the male and female bodies we have now. The “sexes” then, being just the inner and outer elements, and outflowing and inflowing parts of our whole being. These were “soulmate” groups as they are called now. Each composite being had different numbers of parts (a different number of “soulmates”) – each part a being itself, but fully as one with the whole being.

We were like beings IN WHICH planets orbit a star, or the atoms of matter in which elements of different polarity (male and female) are attracted to each other, each finding a place where they harmoniously function together within the whole, as one entity, one being. As such composite beings, we existed in a state of “Unselfish Love” – constant flow, outflowing/giving fully of our life energies to each element of ourselves, within ourselves, and receiving within ourselves – and without (in our relationship with the One, which each composite being also “orbited”, creating the even greater, ultimate composite being of the One).

Now, for the first time, SOME of us had begun to separate within ourselves, manifesting as individual bodies representing the polarity elements. Bodies of opposite polarities then came into existence (male or female “sex”).

The work of freeing the humanimals began. It was arduous and complex, but it proceeded well – at first. Unfortunately, the contamination of separateness slowly began to creep in. We started slowly “tasting” many of the things that had instantly trapped the humanimals. Divisions began to occur between Atlanteans, over opinions and desires. The next symptom of our dis-integration was upon us, and this disease would eventually bring down Atlantis. Even in this higher state of manifestation (which we thought would keep us safe from the loss of consciousness that plagued the humanimals), some of us succumbed to the lure of material sensation.  Like the drug addict would behave with an unlimited supply of drugs, we began to delve more into the indulgences of this plane until we were lost in it – drowning in it. In the frenzy of our addiction to physical sensations, we disregarded all our precautions and wariness. Soon our thoughts and actions had “collected” matter from this material world that surrounded us… and hardened our thought-forms, making us matter-bound also.  Our consciousness simultaneously slipped, and our gradual loss of consciousness of Oneness gave way to that new consciousness of predominant “separateness”. The consciousness of predominant “separateness” was foreign to us, a totally new experience. And along with this new consciousness, came new emotions – some pleasurable and some painful. Strange new things like greed, envy, lust, excitement, fear, and desire.

Some of us vigorously strived to maintain a semblance of our consciousness of Oneness, along with the new consciousness, and we were able to experience the emotions without being ruled by them. Such were the Children of the Law of One.

But others lost, or chose to deliberately suppress, even a glimmer of awareness of the One. These beings became lost, and enmeshed in separateness. Outside of the consciousness of Oneness, they became subject to being tossed to and fro by the tides of emotional onslaught, and ultimately became devoted to personal power and pleasure in this physical plane. These beings became known as the Sons of Belial (even if they were female).

Take heed of the ancient warnings and prophecies about the Belialians: “Lizard-like are they – not in apparent physical description, but in spirit form, in the heart – in the soul.  Beware even now of your lizard kin, for they rule the world, with greed, and without compassion, while maintaining ‘appearance’ of good and righteous. As MEN (& Women) do these Sons of Belial walk the Earth. Model citizens. Successful leaders who are the envy of the uninitiated. While some appear disgusting and strange to the eye, look not to see the ugliness of the Belialians with your eye, for some are handsome to the eye. 

SEE you will NOT, their TRUE lizard-like appearance with your earthly eyes. See their TRUE nature, you will, only with the inner-eye, or in glimpses from the corner of the eye.”   When this division came within the people of Atlantis, many things went awry, and turmoil began. To function harmoniously, beings need to have omni-presence – their vision MUST include the ‘whole’ picture. But when the ‘attention’ is fixed and focused in the reverse-polarity of separation, all that is seen are PARTS of the whole picture – those parts that are not filtered out by the illusions of separate consciousness. It is a limited view at best, and often is a lens distorted by emotions.  Without awareness of the “whole” picture, and the guidance of a coordinating force, actions become un-coordinated with others.  To understand this better, imagine how well your present day body would function if each limb did not have awareness of what the other limbs were trying to do, or if each limb wanted to do different things from each other – no longer working together as one.

Now imagine further – imagine this lack of coordination keeping your eyes, ears, fingers, tongue, and mouth, from working together as a team. Now consider the chaos and eventual destruction that would occur if every single cell in your body operated with no unified guiding force that keeps them coordinated with the whole (in fact, that’s what “cancer” is). You see, this became the problem with our very lives once some of us lost consciousness of the One. Such uncoordinated independent activity becomes a logical evolution when such a separation occurs and one is left with only an awareness of separateness. Thus it came to be that the two Atlantean socio-political groups evolved, with one very essential difference: The Children had a consciousness of both separateness and Oneness. The Belialians rejected the consciousness of Oneness entirely, and maintained only a consciousness of separateness. The differences of opinion between the two groups were great and many (including “environmental issues”), but nothing was more of an issue than the morality of how the humanimals were to be dealt with. Those of the Law of One, remembering still that we originally came to this plane just to help release the humanimals from matter-bondage, continued trying to free our trapped siblings. The kindred also created ways (known to the initiate) to aid in the maintenance of the consciousness of Oneness, so we would never lose sight of our goals.  But the Belialians wanted to use the humanimals for their own comforts and pleasures. Since those of us from the second wave were of greater consciousness than the humanimals, and could still function on higher planes to some extent, we had powers of the mind, both spiritual and psychological, that made it easy for us to control humanimals. The Children refused to use their abilities to control the humanimals, while the Belialians relished the power, and wanted to use them as slaves.

The other great division in opinion between the Children and the Belialians was over the “environment” as it is called now. The Belialians used methods of generating power (like electrical power), that were dangerous and destructive to the Earth.  Thus did the great conflict between the Children and the Belialians of Atlantis begin. A conflict between light & dark, between selfishness, & Unselfish Love. And the conflict that was, continued throughout history, and continues to this day.  The Belialians’ lust for power and lack of care or awareness of the balances of nature, led to the destruction of Atlantis. This was due in great part to the abuse of their power generation plants.

When the final destructions occurred, Grand Master Thoth then led us to the land of Khem, to complete the Great Work of evolving the humanimals. As gods were we to the people of Khem, and yea did they think the humanimals to be gods.  And so it was done. The humanimals were brought to human levels, to choose their path from there. Yet, there are the residual effects. Have you not seen the humans that look much like pigs, or goats, or this or that animal still? These were they.

But even though the humanimals were no more, the Belialians had not lost their taste for slavery. Thus the great conflict with the Belialians was far from over, and still continues on, with the Children of the Law of One as lamps, illuminating the path of Unselfish Love, helping the lost find their way home to their spiritual heritage of the One, and to find freedom – while the disguised Sons of Belial (and their pawns) do everything possible to maintain their decadence and power, and maintain slavery (whether it be direct or by means of livelihood and social control). And they seek to destroy all those who would shine Light into this world of darkness. All those who do not actively work for the Light, are to varying degrees, pawns of the Belialian Darkness.


[The following is from a scroll that was a later addendum to the translation of the above story. But what is particularly interesting about it, is that it is said to be written by the same author (the being who was also grand master Thoth) but in a different lifetime. That same being was also known as Joseph (the son of Jacob), or Jesus in certain latter incarnations.]

As it is symbolized in the above image  the forces of darkness & light, while in opposition, are in movement within the One. In balance, this is the proper state of things in the Universe. On the Earth plane however, the forces of dark & light are not functioning in this way. They are not in harmony within the One. Those of darkness predominate greatly, and attempt to eliminate the light. They battle endlessly, with Love and peace on one side, hate and violence on the other. Balance there is not, but balance you can create. Such is Universal Law, the Law of the One,and it ultimately prevails. 

Some in the future will claim that since it is all ONE, there is no right or wrong, no good or evil. But even though there is an element of truth – we are all One anyway, and thus, none of this really matters, there is an important consideration – the lack of consciousness by some, does create suffering, and does create disharmonious vibrations within the One.

When you are suffering, do you not want a remedy, do you not want help to stop it?

If you were suffering needlessly, because of the illusions of good/evil, right/wrong, would you not want to have this pointed out, and have assistance in finding a remedy? Thus, is not the remedy, good? Is it not right? Do you not care about the suffering of your brothers and sisters?

As you have just heard, in days long gone by, Atlantis was split between the followers of Darkness and followers of Light. Those who followed the way of the light were known to themselves and other Atlanteans, as the “Children of the Law of One” (as it roughly translates). From the beginning, the darkness was on the rise in Atlantis, and finally, as you just heard, the repercussions of this came upon us.

How? Transgressions against the Law of One (fixed Universal principles, “Laws” of the way it IS), and against those of the Earth’s nature (which is in harmony with the Law of One), were everywhere. Great harm was done to the Earth by the followers of darkness, natural imbalances were created by them. A pillar of the Law of One is that of “cause and effect”. Thus did these actions bring about the physical fall of Atlantis.

So… What resonates? What doesn’t? What sounds familiar?

RE: “A Lesson in How to Push Disinformation”

In reading this post from  Kauilapele, a few things came to mind that I wanted to share as I’m sensing that more and more media events like this are likely to occur soon.


Growing up around Hollywood, I learned first hand what is meant by the saying, “there is no such thing as bad press”.  Whenever something is mentioned or depicted in the media, that event or circumstance IS GIVEN MORE ENERGY. People pay large sums of money to advertise on T.V. and radio, whenever someone or something is given “free press”, it is traditionally considered a good thing.

To comprehend this concept, look up the media history of Kim Kardashian, or Paris Hilton, or Robert Downey Jr.

During the L.A. uprising in 1992 (a.k.a. the L.A. riots), I wondered why broadcast networks replayed the beating of Rodney King, ad nauseum… i.e. to the point of making people nauseous.

It seemed a fairly simple conclusion that the more the video was played and talked about, the more people would talk about and discuss the event.  With more people talking about and discussing the event, the more energy there was to fuel the contrasting opinions of what actually occurred.

With the Boston bombings, regardless of what one believes actually happened, the more the media discusses the event and all of the different theories that surround it,  the more likely it is that people will continue to talk about it.

When someone in the MSM (main stream media) like Rachel Maddow gives someone like Alex Jones (Alternative Media) OVER 20 MINUTES of coverage via showing clips of him speaking and showing the URL to his website, the more likely it is that people who follow MSM will navigate to that URL and watch more videos and click on more links.

MSM has a vastly larger audience than alternative/web media does. So it seems fairly obvious to me that once MSM turns and faces the alternative media and interacts with it directly, opposed to turning its back to it and keeping it arms length, the more likely it is that MSM audiences will start consuming alternative media.

Once this shift from consuming “vertical media” (top down/MSM) to “horizontal media” (peer to peer/ social media) occurs, there is no turning back. It’s kind of like the person who sticks their head out the window to see what everyone outside is running towards… the likelihood of them shutting the window and resuming their regular activity decreases proportionally to the number of people who are running and screaming outside.

Alex Jones has been screaming for years.

Do we really think Rachel Maddow and her producers don’t know about splintering their audience?  It’s their job to know.

And isn’t MSNBC connected to CNBC? And isn’t it alleged the children of a CNBC executive were murdered as retaliation  for the reporting of trillion dollar money laundering lawsuit against the “Banksters”… a.k.a. “they”, the same “they” Alex Jones is screaming are responsible for the “false flag” bombings of Boston and Texas? (http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/cnbc-exec-kevin-krim-s-children-murdered-1-day-after-cnbc-reports)

In know way do I mean to imply or suggest that AK, or Kauilapele are WRONG, or that they “don’t get it”. My only goal to share some insight as to the likelihood of the so called “faction” wars that are taking place behind the scenes of every major financial institution, media company, military, defense, and intelligence agency spilling into the MSM.

If any group of people know the power of the press, it’s the people who currently work for and control it.

The likelihood of Rachel Maddow and co. not knowing that her tirade would increase the viewership of Alex Jones and alternative media is not only not probable, one could reasonably argue that it isn’t even possible.

As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes.” – Marshall McLuhan



Every culture has their own way of expressing The One Truth, aka the Perennial Philosophy.

In the Hawaiian culture, the process of clearing Karma is called “Ho’oponopono.”

It is Simple. Profound. Elegant. Effective.

Simply repeat the four lines for every thought, deed, action, or expression you have ever felt remorse for or victimized by with sincerity and one can release and be released from all karmic ties.

Simple. Not easy. Simple.

Costs of Operations

I don’t pay too much attention to mainstream politics anymore, yet the supreme court DOMA hearings and the recent Monsanto Bill has brought to mind how it seems like most people still think that politics are actually real. It mystifies me.

The data that the majority of television and journalistic programming is controlled by a handful of corporations exists and has been available for years. Why would anyone still pay attention to the puppet show except to see who’s hand is up currently up their ass?

Sorry. I don’t mean to be crass. Really though… “I’m just saying”.

Chris Hedges, a journalist who used to write for the New York Times, and who writes about the media in the U.S. recently wrote,

The celebrity trolls who currently reign on commercial television, who bill themselves as liberal or conservative, read from the same corporate script. They spin the same court gossip. They ignore what the corporate state wants ignored. They champion what the corporate state wants championed. They do not challenge or acknowledge the structures of corporate power.

So why the current circus about gay marriage?

One likely reason gay marriage is feared by the “Powers That Were” is because legalizing it would mean the end to the decades old practice of blackmailing low level political operatives for homosexual acts. For the record, that means congressmen, senators, and presidents.

(BTW… Low Level Political Operative = LOL POOP)

Do any amount of reading on the “Bohemian Grove” or watch the banned-from-TV documentary Conspiracy of Silence and one can start to get a glimpse of the true reality of politricks in the United States.

Think about it… The people that are against DOMA regularly take money from lobbyist who work for companies that consider fines for fraud as “a cost of operations” and think of murder and torture in terms of “collateral damage”. Do you really believe it’s about morality or ethics?

When the Monsanto bill was attached as a “rider” to the Agricultural Appropriations Bill and secretly pushed through congress, Facebook lit up with rants about how Obama is the devil. One of my friends, who is a thoughtful and conscious being, wrote that Obama “was vested either ideologically or financially” in Monsanto and then proceeded to list things like a new jet, or a loads of cash, as the probable reasons Obama signed the bill.

I wrote back that  I didn’t see any consideration given to possibilities such as his family being harmed, or a school shooting happening, or an earthquake being used to cause a nuclear meltdown, etc.. if he didn’t sign, and within minutes he admitted that he forgot the “personal threat angle.”

I dont present this example to blow my horn, my goal is to use it to illustrate how the pervasive logic that everyone in government is out for themselves is a narrative straight from the headlines that are owned and operated by the same people that run Monsanto.

How likely is it that it is the ultimate truth?

If one looks into the history of how the U.S. government is managed and how presidents are controlled a world of deceit, violence, coercion, and blackmail emerges as the norm.  This is the world that the MSM never focuses on. Because the MSM is a TOOL for the corporate power, they’d love for you to believe that it’s always about the money. In actuality though, if they’re PRINTING TRILLIONS, and earning BILLIONS, and how big of a deal is a few hundred million?

Would you poison someone for a hundred million? How about a billion? Would you do it to save your wife and kid? Would you do it to save a million people? Read a few chapters of “The Franklin Cover Up,” and then think about the reality of being “ideologically or financially” vested.

People, including children and families, are being raped, tortured, and murdered… it’s not always about the money and we do ourselves a disservice in adhering to the narrative that it is.

“Their” game is about POWER and CONTROL.

Money is a tool to those who crave POWER. No more, no less.

I usually don’t re-post Sheldan’s updates, alas… if this is a glimpse of the world we are about to inhabit, this is as good a primer as I could think of sharing.

The Way of Love Blog




MARCH 5, 2013


Dratzo! We come again to speak with you! A great celestial event is shortly to occur in your heavens. This event is the last one in a series of phenomena which signals the end of a sacred agreement made between the Light and the Anunnaki long ago. It is part of a divine plan to prepare your ancestors as well as you for a return to full consciousness. Pursuant to this, we are providing the dark ones on your world with documents which state that the time has come when we can officially intervene in your reality on your behalf. This intercession is simply to assist your sacred secret societies and their allies to complete a legal takeover of a number of your major governments. This procedure will lead to the disbursement of a universal…

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